Fetchmail Help

Getting Started
1 First you'll need to create an ID for the fetchmail sight.
- Your ID is your email address. This is the address that mail will be forwarded to.
- Decide on a password for the fetchmail site. Passwords need to be between 4 and 20 characters.
DO NOT use the same password you use to log into that email address
- An email will be sent to that address. Open that email and click on the link.
- You should now be able to logon to the Fetchmail app.
2 Next, set up the email forwards.
- It the input box, enter the number of forwards you want to create and click on the button.
- Enter the email address you want forwarded to you.
- Enter the email passwords for those email addresses.
- Click Submit.
- That should take you back to the home page showing your forwards.